sanctum window across the street to that vine-shaded office on the hill, with its open door in summer time, be greeted with the familiar figure of our friend, seated in the old easy rocking chair upon the threshold just within, or on the little lawn without, gently rocking, as his ever studious mind absorbed the contents of book or paper. Who of our readers has not seen that picture. It seemed fitting to us that the life and character of this old resident, this staunch friend, this outspoken enemy if he was not friend, should he delineated and chronicled in substantial form by some old friend. And at our request a member of the bar of this county, who perhaps of all friends or acquaintances knew him best, associated with him most, who indeed imbibed through him his own knowledge of legal lore, contributes this impression of his true character. Geo. W. Adams writes: “In the spring of 1854 Levi Bullis, in the prime of early manhood, came and settled in Decorah, then a primitive town indeed. On the 23rd day of July, 1902, after more than 48 years of incessant labor, his body was laid beside his two children in God’s half acre, and we hope that his indomitable spirit is at rest. Mr. Bulks, fresh from school, at once became prominent as a citizen, and his voracity for work and aggressive energy soon placed him in the front rank of his profession—a noble one when honestly followed—and he possessed the highest ideals of an attorney, and no man can truthfully say that he was not honest with his clients, or that he ever employed trickery or chicanery in the conduct of his cases. He won or lost in an open and fair fight, while putting forth every honorable effort possible. He was imbibed with a spirit of chivalry in a high degree, and was at all times willing and anxious to defend anyone whom he believed others were trying to oppress. No client whom he believed to have a just cause ever sought his services in vain. Though he loved to make money, yet he loved his profession better, and would undertake the


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